The Foundation of Black Butterflies for Cancer Support, Inc. understands and appreciates the indepth metamorphasis that transforms all people in life. Often we are up against the giants in life that cause us to rear our innermost defenses in order to fight a hard fight. We recognize that the fight against cancer should be led with support and encouragement. Many of us have been blessed with and/or have lost a swallowtail (black butterfly) of our own. We often sense their presence as they spread their wings and fly to and fro. Many of us have known a black butterfly, that from birth was considered a fighter even in the face of adversity.

"Do not let the quiet face fool you….There is a little black butterfly in us all." (Nikki Tucker)

The Foundation of Black Butterflies for Cancer Support, Inc. was developed to provide support to those families affected by cancer through direct service, monetary donations and emotional support.

“From a Caterpillar to a Butterfly”

Losing my mother at the age of 28 was a devastating experience that had a profound and indefinite effect on my life. The phrase "From a caterpillar to a butterfly," illustrates the representation of change. As a symbol of transformation, the butterfly represents eternal life from its three stages of life: the caterpillar (birth), the chrysalis (death) and the butterfly (resurrection). The butterfly is indicative of the change that took place in my life. As a result of this experience, I was able to be resurrected to help others. Butterflies have a very short life span, which in turn reminds us that life is precious and short, and we should make changes when the opportunity arises. The Foundation has vowed to make a change by joining in my mother’s passion for helping children, as well as her fight against cancer. We will dedicate our time and efforts to improving the quality of life for those affected either directly or indirectly by cancer.

The butterflies symbolize those individuals who have lost the battle to cancer, as well as those who have been affected by cancer. The foundation represents those people coming together for a common cause, to fight the war against cancer. We are determined to win this war. We all have a little "black butterfly" inside.

The Foundation of Black Butterflies is dedicated to the life and memory of KAREN BATTLE CHAPMAN.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

"Act of Giving"

One of the nicest gifts a person can receive is one that is unexpected and/or comes from a stranger. Wouldn't you agree? One of the best times to receive a gift is when you are feeling down and need something to give you a lift, a word, thought or item of encouragement.
Since a dear friend of mine and I have been the recipients of such gifts when we needed some encouragement, we want to be able to share this blessing with others, specifically those who have newly received a cancer diagnosis.
IDEA: to send a Comfort Care Basket with such items as burgundy toulling, baskets, socks, tea, mug, journal, aromatherapy lotion, candle or diffuser, a book of an encouraging word or other appropriate items.
WHO: a man or woman who has been newly given a cancer diagnosis
APPEAL: My friend and I need financial assistance to help defray the costs of supplies and shipping. We are hoping that we can count on you and maybe your family, friends and coworkers to help us with this project. You can purchase some of the supplies listed or send us a monetary donation of $5, $10, $20.
Supplies or donations can be delivered or mailed to, Wanda Johnson (please contact for details).

Please help support families affected by cancer. As a Breast Cancer Survivor, I have joined this war! Will you?


Wanda Battle Johnson
Sister of Karen B. Chapman
Breast Cancer Survivor

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